The Realm, AlphaChamber & DoubleDrop

Beervangeer and The Realm of MU
2 min readJan 5, 2022


The Realm MMD

Release The Realm MMD

Last month we released the latest world called The Realm. It’s a short animation that leads to a secret place … The AlphaChamber. You can use your Realm MMD here.

The AlphaChamber is an experiment in sharing knowledge in a fun new way. It’s a counter reaction to the hectic environments like Twitter or Discord. The AlphaChamber lets you share a short text with a url link in a exclusive environment. You can register up to 5 shrines and update them whenever you want.

The AlphaChamber

Double Drop

To celebrate the new year and the release of the AlphaChamber we will release a bunch of The Realm MMD’s to the holders of HyperHash, EnergySculptures and UltraWave.

To qualify for a airdop you have to share your HH,ES,or UW on this twitter post or on the beervangeer discord channel on the ArtBlocks server. There will be 99 drops, so be quick. Holders can post their nft’s up till the 31th of January!

Once you access The Realm there is a second drop to be claimed. For all the wallets that register Intel in the AlphaChamber, 99 Squigglers are reserved. The Squiggler is a ode to the creator of ArtBlocks (SnowFro). It’s a special NFT that unlocks the Squiggler in The Realm of MU worlds and it has two exclusive downloads, a high res artwork and a 3D avatar (vrm) file to be used in online meta environments!

The Squigglers will be distributed in batches once people start to use the AlphaChamber.



Beervangeer and The Realm of MU

MU is a non-physical reality composed entirely of thought energy. Also referred to as ‘The Collective Unconscious’ or ‘The Realm of Dreams’.